Saturday 8 June 2024

Antrim Marina - (Friday 7th June 2024)

      Antrim Marina - Friday 7th June 2024       
Today, I made my third random summer visit to Antrim Marina to record the resident colour-ringed Black-headed Gulls, with these likely to be nesting on the nearby Torpedo Platform.  Since my previous visit, Suzanne Belshaw has stopped by the Marina, recording 6 colour-ringed Black-headed Gulls, adding -  2AAB  to this summers list of residents.

Arriving just after 12:40pm, around 30 Black-headed Gulls were spread around the car park and jetties.  At times, no gulls were present, and when they did appear, maximum numbers never exceeded the 30 to 35 mark.  At 2:30, two paddleboarders arrived and set out upriver from the Marina, this of course scared off all of the gulls.  I had planned to stay till 4pm, but with light rain falling and a lack of gulls, I decided to call it a day at 3pm.

Altogether, 9 colour-rings were read, the first two at 12:40 and 12:45 were those of   2FJL  and  2FJN  both caught and ringed as adult birds last winter.  The third gull at 12:52 was a new addition to this summers list -  2BRA , which raises the overall total of resident gulls recorded so far this summer to 12.   2BRA , has long been established as a being resident gull and was ringed at the Marina as an adult female, on the 1st February 2015.  The duration since being ringed, is now 9 years, 4 months and 6 days.

Black-headed Gull  -   2BRA   -  Antrim Marina, Antrim Town, Co. Antrim  (07 Jun 2024)
(Ringed as an Adult Female, on the 1st February 2015, at Antrim Marina)

Out on the Torpedo Platform, there is a live camera with a limited view on the nesting Black-headed Gulls and Common Terns (Live Camera).  Surprisingly for this time of the year, no Black-headed Gull chicks could be seen running around.  Perhaps the wet and windy weather conditions through the spring has held them back in their breeding attempts.

So far, there has been no sightings from abroad concerning Black-headed Gulls caught and ringed at the Marina.  By now, these birds will be back on their breeding sites having slipped under the 'radar' of fellow 'Ring Readers'.  Hopefully, a sighting or two will filter through over the next few weeks.

Colour Ringed Black-headed Gulls Recorded at Antrim Marina on Friday 7th June 2024
 2FJL   2FJN   2BRA   2CJT   2CSR   2FFA   2FIF   2FIJ   2FIL 

Other Birds at Antrim Marina
As usual, after the Black-headed Gulls, the Mute Swans are the next species to be checked.  Just two Mute Swans were present today, these being a pair.  The female which is ringed -  X4707 , was first recorded here on my second summer visit on the 21st May 2024, and also recorded by Suzanne Belshaw during her visit on the 24th May 2024.  When I submitted the sightings onto the BTO's DemOn Ringing Database, I noted that the ringing details had not been submitted by the ringer.  No doubt, the BTO will have contacted the ringer concerned, but we are still waiting for details.

Having took a photo of the swan, I then zoomed into the ring to find that the address side of the ring was facing me, which meant the ring number was on the other side.  Happily enough, the ring number was also showing on the 'Ring Butt' a feature I had not noticed before.  This feature is really handy, and not possible on the thinner rings that are normally used.  This 'tall' size of a ring would be used on Golden Eagles and the like.

Mute Swan  -   X4707   -  Antrim Marina, Antrim Town, Co. Antrim  (07 Jun 2024)
(Waiting for the Ringing Details)

Just about all of the Mallards were nicely settled on the concrete jetty area which had been fenced off for some time.  A count soon after my arrival, gave a total of 32 birds, with just five being females.  There is still no sign of any ducklings which is unusual seeing as we are into the month of June.  Not so long ago, I was on Rathlin Island where I noticed several broods of ducklings, which included a brood of four on the sea at Mill Bay - the others were on inland lakes.

I did not take times of sightings today, but the resident male Herring Gull was noted, as well as four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Common Gulls.  Singles of Rook, Hooded Crow and Jackdaw were also seen.

The constant 'chatter' of Sand Martins could be heard as they flew around the Marina catching flies.  These are new nesters here, having commandeered the 'Swift Nest Blocks' which have been incorporated into the wall of the Gateway Centre.  I had meant to obtain a photo previously but forgot.  I made a point of taking one today.  There are seven nest holes in the side wall of the building, with an eighth situated between the two ariel masts just around the corner.

Sand Martin Nest Holes Spaced out Along the top Edge of the Gateway Centre  (07 Jun 2024)


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