Thursday 27 June 2024

Antrim Marina - (Sunday 23rd June 2024)

      Antrim Marina - Sunday 23rd June 2024       
Today saw my latest random visit to Antrim Marina to record the resident colour-ringed Black-headed Gulls.  Up until now, just 12 Black-headed Gulls with colour-rings have been recorded here whilst breeding on the nearby 'Torpedo Platform'.  Around 20 Black-headed Gulls were present on my arrival, with numbers ranging from 0 to around 30 birds.  Just five colour-rings were recorded, all of which had been recorded over previous visits.  The first flying juveniles were also seen, but this could be the same youngster spotted at different times.  It made no attempt to remain at the Marina seeing as it is not used to people being around.

The live camera on the 'Torpedo Platform', is still showing a limited view of the nesting area, and I had hoped the operators would reposition the view to include the whole platform.  One thing to note, is the lack of nesting Black-headed Gulls on view.  Going by what can be seen, perhaps the Black-headed Gull population is well down from previous year (Live Camera).

With many of Antrim Marina's Black-headed Gulls away to their own countries to breed, I have yet to receive any sightings this summer.

Colour Ringed Black-headed Gulls Recorded at Antrim Marina on Sunday 23rd June 2024
 2FIF   2FJN   2AAN   2BRA   2CSK 

Other Birds at Antrim Marina
The highlight of this visit was the sighting of the first of two Common Gulls spotted today.  Noting it had a Blue Darvic, I immediately thought - was this  2AJP ?, and after taking a photo, the code was confirmed.  The gull was present at the Marina for three summers in a row between 2016 and 2018, but it had not appeared at the Marina since, though I did record it at Antrim's KFC outlet in August 2022, which was the last sighting until today.

 2AJP , had been ringed as a chick, on the 29th June 2013, on Big Copeland Island in County Down.  As a juvenile, the gull was spotted on three occasions in March 2014, at Poppintree Park in the City of Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland.  No further sightings were made until the 13th June 2016, when it was recorded for the first time at Antrim Marina by Suzanne Belshaw.   2AJP  would have reached breeding age by 2016, and possibly nested on the nearby 'Torpedo Platform' or on the roof of the Tesco Warehouse on the outskirts of Antrim Town.  Perhaps the gull's choice of mate brought it back for the breeding seasons of 2017 and 2018 as well.  

Just to think it has been almost 6 years since this gull was lasted spotted here.  The duration since being ringed, is now 10 years, 11 months and 25 days.  The full history can be read (here).

Common Gull  -   2AJP   -  Antrim Marina, Antrim Town, Co. Antrim  (23 Jun 2024)
(Ringed as a Chick, on the 29th June 2013, on Big Copeland Island, The Copeland Islands, Co. Down)

As well as the two Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls made brief appearances, as well as the resident male Herring Gull.  A Common Tern or Tern's, frequently flew up and down the river that flows past the Marina.

The same pair of Mute Swans as in other recent visits were present, which included the metal-rung female -  X4707 .  This is now the 4th record of -  X4707 , since first being spotted on the 21st May 2024.  I have submitted all of the sightings, but no recovery has been received.  The ringing details are not on the BTO's DemOn Ringing Database.

Around 30 Mallards were present, and surprisingly, there are still no ducklings to be seen.  The Sand Martins are still busy flying about, and one was spotted lifting nest material on the small sandy beach.  This must mean a new nest is being prepared for a second brood.  A male Pied Wagtail, a single Hooded Crow and two Jackdaws were the only other species noted today.


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